8 Steps For When You Are Tired Of Spiritual Warfare.

1. Get up anyway!

5 min readJan 24, 2023

This falls right under self discipline! Some of our arch nemesis. This requires truly realizing that our actions are not depicted on our feelings. “I don’t feel like getting up, I don’t really feel like praying right now, I am not in a happy mood to do anything at the moment…” Hate to break it to you, but those feelings are irrelevant when it comes to God, yet that is easier said than done. This is not saying disregard your feelings and put everything and everyone else first, nor is this saying God does not care about how you feel, because of course He does. What this is saying is that when you are a child of God, you no longer live for yourself, but for God. So yes, that does mean you have to sacrifice those times of ‘not feeling like it’ and just do it because it pleases God you see? In the same way you love your spouse so much that even though you really don’t care for watching that one show your wife/husband loves, you watch it with them anyways because it pleases them. Practice self discipline on yourself as a disciple of God. Wake up those early mornings to have intimate prayer time with Him, even if you are not an early bird. Pray for your enemy even though they don’t deserve it because in reality…did you deserve to get saved even though you just sinned about 1 minute before reading this article? Whether it was physically, mentally, emotionally? Pursuing after God does not come natural, since we know this, this should make us be aware that when those feelings come, we know what our…




Justyce Gould- Christian Blogger❤️ U.S. Army & Deputy👩🏾‍✈️👮🏾 Biblical Q&A, tips and info☺️ •INSTA: rainingfaithco